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Veronique Theberge
Apr 16, 20202 min read
Acknowledging Wins Post Brain Injury
Because we always need to acknowledging the wins that occur along the way...big or small!

Veronique Theberge
Apr 5, 20207 min read
Ambiguous Loss
When "ambiguous loss" helps define that grieving feeling experienced following encephalitis and brain injury.

Veronique Theberge
Mar 21, 20203 min read
As the world moves into self-isolation, let's reflect on what isolation means and the consequences of isolation.

Veronique Theberge
Mar 12, 20206 min read
My support system post encephalitis
Encephalitis and brain injury recovery is a massive team effort. It's composed of a myriad of people. I'm thankful to be well surrounded!

Veronique Theberge
Feb 19, 20206 min read
Life is an adventure
Find out more about the highlights of my latest event and how I came to the conclusion that life is also very much like an adventure race.

Veronique Theberge
Jan 25, 20202 min read
Being realistic doesn't mean giving up hope
Does being realistic means giving up hope? Here's my thinking on the matter and a bit of a description of how I came to it.

Veronique Theberge
Jan 14, 20204 min read
Here's to Valuable Friendships
Sickness makes you worry about lots of stuff that would ordinarily not cross your mind. Family and friendship sure take a mean meaning.

Veronique Theberge
Jan 14, 20202 min read
When you think you are all prepared
Things you have no control over...apart from my weird wonderful brain and learning to just go with the flow and accepting that plans change.

Veronique Theberge
Jan 10, 20203 min read
The hidden side of social media
The hidden side of what get displayed on social media...

Veronique Theberge
Nov 26, 20194 min read
Vanishing self-confidence post encephalitis
Encephalitis shattered many things in a million little pieces. How do you rise again? What helped you build your confidence back up?

Veronique Theberge
Nov 6, 20193 min read
Where to next?
Lots of things change following a brain event. "Where to next" is a question that keeps popping into mind. How do you handle this question?

Veronique Theberge
Oct 29, 20197 min read
Fatigue: Life on an empty tank
Fatigue is one of the most dreadful side effect that I've experience post encephalitis and its resulting brain injury. What is fatigue?

Veronique Theberge
Oct 2, 20194 min read
Brain injury, the hidden struggles
Dealing with encephalitis and brain injury is not as easy as it may look from the outside looking in. So why is it perceived that way?

Veronique Theberge
Sep 26, 20195 min read
Anger, the dark side of a brain injury
Anger is often classified as a common emotional response that can be directly/indirectly related to a brain injury. My personal account.

Veronique Theberge
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Spirited Women Adventure Race
Setting goals and objectives post encephalitis: my participation to the Spirited Women Adventure Race 18 months post "e" and brain injury.

Veronique Theberge
Sep 13, 20194 min read
Exercise and Brain Injury Recovery
How do you introduce exercise back into your routine following a brain event? A blog looking at how I've tried to overcome this challenge.
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