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Resources for your Weird & Wonderful Brain

Life can be complicated enough when you live with a brain injury. Therefore, I have tried to narrow down a few good resources that I have come across since the beginning of my journey as an encephalitis and acquired brain injury survivor. The list could be pretty long, but below are my "Go To's" that have rarely disappointed me

Must check websites
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Join Weird Wonderful Brain's Support Group on Facebook

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Weird Wonderful Brain Resources

Gratitude journal

Do you need help becoming more resilient? Gratitude practices have gained popularity in the last few years. They can be a great tool to build your resilience but also to help support your mental health. More and more research also support this type of practices.


I've put together a 7 days of gratitude journal which contains a few prompts to help get you started. 

Download for free

All you need is a few minutes each day to get you on your way towards feeling more grateful.

To find out more, read my blog on Gratitude

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January 2023: Newsletter #19

December 2022: Newsletter #18

October 2022: Newsletter #17

September 2022: Newsletter #16


August 2022: Newsletter #15

June 2022: Newsletter #14

May 2022: Newsletter #13

February 2022: Newsletter #12

January 2022: Newsletter #11

December 2021: Newsletter #10

October 2021: Newsletter #9

August 2021_2: Newsletter #8

August 2021: Newsletter #7

June 2021: Newsletter #6

May 2021: Newsletter #5

Support groups

There is a wide variety of support groups available out there for encephalitis and brain injury survivors. I personally think that it pays to locate the closest brain injury organisation from your place of residence as they often organise meet and greets from which you can greatly benefit from.

If getting around is still a bit difficult for you, Facebook has many support groups to chose from and Instagram has many great brain injury advocates. Flick me an email if you wish to have some guidance on where to start.

If you like reading articles about encephalitis and brain injury, I'd suggest for you to keep and eye on Twitter. Many of the mainstream organisations will share great up-to-date content on this social media. Quick tip, start by following a few of them and then you will be prompted to follow other accounts that share similar interest. If you are after something even easier, follow me on Twitter @VeroniqueThebe1 , I browse daily and retweet the good stuff that I find.


The Untold Story of Brain Injury on Vimeo

My Beautiful Broken Brain on Netflix

Brené Brown the Call to Courage on Netflix


Life After Encephalitis by Ava Easton

Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

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