We spent a couple of weeks getting all psych up and prepared for a trip that we knew would be costly on my health. I Don’t think we forgot much apart from remembering that travelling also comes, a bit like my weird wonderful brain, with things that you can’t control...
In this case we forgot all about the slow moving queues at US immigration, about having to run around like crazy people in the airport to grab your connexion...only to miss it, waiting some more in queues to get re-routed, getting to the following pit-stop only to find out that the following flight has been cancelled due to weather, which came with further scrambling to get all 5 of us on another flight and find us a place to stay overnight. Last little hick up...2 lost suitcases in transit, which by then we were half expecting given all the re-routing that took place.
The 2 last flights went relatively smoothly and the welcoming party at the airport was just the best...absolutely perfect and absolutely worth the additional hassle!
It’s been a stressful trip over solely running on adrenaline and very little sleep, but my partner has been wonderful taking the situation into hands and dealing with all the scrambling which would have definitely been the end of me. Although the ongoing changes of plans were a bit of a pain, my man has been great at reminding me that whatever will be will be and that some things we have no control over. Those were the perfect words to calm me down and get me to refocus my energy. Two years on post encephalitis and brain injury, we know lots about having no control over the weird and wonderful of my brain, about dealing with situation as they arise and managing the best we can.
We made the journey from Whangarei, NZ to Quebec City, Canada...a long 48 hours journey and loving to see how excited and keen the boys are to explore my beautiful hometown. Although we got off to a wonky start, we know that we can turn this situation around and that great things can come out of wonky things. A great reminder to see the humour in some challenging situations...and looking back, humour there was during this 48 hours journey.

New morning, new day and let’s make the most of our long awaited trip over into my sweet hometown and give our family some of the fondest experiences that they will remember for years to come.